The Moss Branch
The Moss Branch
Three Generations
Kathy DiMascio Markham Tuell (right) with Amanda Markham and Jennifer Markham Moss, who is holding her daughter Brittany Moss. Taken in Anadarko, Okla., around 1991.
Brittany about age 1 wearing her grandfather's cowboy boots. Grandmother Kathy DiMascio Tuell is in the background. Taken in Coral Springs, Fla., circa 1992.
Jennifer and Britty
Jennifer Markham Moss and daughter Brittany Moss, taken in Fort Lauderdale circa 1992.
Mother and daughter in disguise
Brittanny Moss and mother Jennifer Markham Moss with painted faces for Halloween in Deer Creek Okla.
Jennifer and Britty
Jenniver Lynn Markham Moss and daughter Brittany Lynn Moss at their home in Deer Creek, Okla.
Brittany and Grandpa
Brittany Lynn Moss and her grandfather, Thomas Frost Tuell, at the Moss home in Deer Creek, Oklahoma.